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Teaching from birth...


Updated: Jul 5, 2023

Any teacher will know that young children starting school come in with varied skill sets, and it is often over to the school to find the gaps, celebrate the strengths and try to bring these little ones on to meet the expected milestones throughout their school life.

I remember as a parent of a newborn thinking, it was impossible to see how my baby could start to develop these skills, let alone the fact they will use (and rely on) them when they start school. After 10 years working as an early years practitioner, let me tell you it couldn't be more true!

The early years of a child's life are crucial in their overall development, their brain doubles in size in their first year of life through all the learning they do, and this continues all they way in to their transition to school.

It is scientifically proven that the experiences and learning opportunities a child receives during their early years greatly affect their readiness for school, and ultimately their academic success. This is why I am so passionate about enabling parents and caregivers to understand how their baby's development can be supported from day one.

One critical aspect of a baby's development is their cognitive development. During the first few years of life, a baby's brain is rapidly developing, forming important neural connections that will shape their ability to learn, reason, and problem-solve. When a baby is exposed to a variety of stimulating experiences, such as hearing different sounds, seeing new sights, and interacting with people and objects, their cognitive development is enhanced. As a result, babies who receive a rich and varied sensory environment in their early years are more likely to have stronger cognitive skills when they start school.

Another important aspect of a baby's development is their social-emotional development. This refers to the ability to form relationships with others, understand and manage emotions, and develop self-esteem. When babies receive responsive and nurturing care from their caregivers, they are more likely to develop strong social-emotional skills. In turn, these skills will help them navigate social situations in school and form positive relationships with their peers and teachers.

Language development is yet another critical area of a baby's development. Babies who are exposed to language early on and have regular conversations with caregivers have an advantage when it comes to learning to read, write, and communicate effectively in school. In fact, research has shown that language development in the early years is strongly linked to academic success later on.

Finally, physical development is also important for a baby's early years school readiness. When babies have the opportunity to move and explore their environment, they develop gross and fine motor skills, which will be essential for participating in physical activities at school.

A great example of this is the importance of babies developing the pincer grip, this is an essential skill that babies develop during their first year. This ability to pick up small objects between the thumb and index finger is essential for fine motor development, and by the time they reach school this skill is imperative.

Many parents have never been made aware of the link between the development of baby’s pincer grip and their ability to be able to hold a pencil correctly as they get older.

In summary, a baby's development has a significant impact on their readiness for school. Parents and caregivers can support their baby's development by providing a rich and varied sensory environment, nurturing social-emotional skills, engaging in regular conversations, and encouraging physical activity. By doing so, they can help set their child up for success in their early years of school and beyond.

If only teachers were there to share the importance of early years foundations with parents from the start! Thank goodness for classes like The Baby Cloud, spreading the word on the importance of early learning opportunities from day 1!

If you fancy investigating educating parents and babies from the early years, take a look at The Baby Cloud and their franchising opportunities at

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