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Overstimulation in babies... what, why & how

Updated: Jul 5, 2023

When to play?

It is a great time to play following a sleep, when baby is well rested, has a full tummy and is content. It is really handy to remember that every reaction your baby shows, even from birth, is a reaction to their surroundings. Even a sneeze can be a reaction to a change in their environment!

Baby's capacity to play increases as they get older, but it is always important to avoid overstimulation. This can lead to a grumpy baby in crisis through tiredness, being overwhelmed, being unable to switch off or just crying as they can’t find another way to process their feelings which is ultimately how they experience stress. We can help avoid this by looking out for the signs of overstimulation before it’s too late.

At The Baby Cloud Kent the classes have been designed to be baby led. So if something doesn't work in your session, you can always try it again another day at home using your Sensory Academy kit.

Is baby ready?

Notice their arms and legs, hands and feet. Are they moving, reaching out, reacting in an excited way?

Is their gaze facing you or the play item?

Are they cooing or smiling?

All great signs baby is ready to play!

Notice their arms and legs, hands and feet. Are they splayed, moving in a jerky fashion or drawn in to baby's body? Are baby's hands by their face, mouth, eyes or ears? (this is self soothing)

Are they turning their head when you try to engage with them, or place a toy in their sight line?

Are they making noises showing discomfort or frustration?

Maybe not the best time to challenge your baby with play, be gentle or use cuddles to work out what they need or reassure baby!

Baby can be happily playing and the signs of over stimulation will creep in, so keep a close eye and observe your baby during play or in a class. They can easily be overwhelmed by a new item, so keep a mental note. Stop the activity for now and continue re-introduce the item another day, every few days, very gently and on a regular basis. This will help build familiarity & confidence and reduce the sensitivity to the new item or experience.

We want to protect your baby from overstimulation, as this produces the stress hormone cortisol. Stress can be hard for a baby to process, our classes are designed to avoid over stimulation and we will remind you to watch out for all these signs during our activities too.

On Tuesday 14th Sept we have a taster class planned at The Play Cloud, our beautiful permanent venue, in Gravesend @ the Cyclopark. If your baby is under 1, why not book on and come and see some of the wonderful activities we have planned.


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